2014 our fun on the ice was dedicated to our fallen fellow racer, John-Ross MacRae, who passed away August 2013 while racing in Mt. Tremblant, Quebec. This event was held at a private location in the Cariboo of British Columbia. It brought together 20 + friends/fellow racers of J.R.’s to celebrate life as J.R. lived it…. Riders spent 5 days on the Ice bashing bars and racing. There was a 2 km race track, a giant oval and a mini oval. There was lots of time spent remembering J.R. and embracing his easy going, no fear, happy approach to life. This event was a healing process for many as well as a chance to get some racing in during the off season and have some fun! This will become an Annual Event. J.R. would have loved to have been out there on the ice and we do this to honor him and all he believed in.

 1-#1 Wyatt Crevier
2-#4 Ange Walters
3-#8 Derek Scott
4-#10 Josh Chisum
5-#14 Steve Crevier
6-#20 Jodie Christie
7-#24 Corey Waren
8-#29 Darren James
9-#33 Jesse Tynan
10-#34 Mike Barnes
11-#42 Kenny Riedmann
12-#69 Danny Eslick
13-#89 Andrew Falkins
14-#100 Matt Sadowski
15-#101 David Sadowski
17-#355 Erick Kauko

Plow and Zamboni Drivers
19-Thomas Morin Plow Driver
20-Jeff Hansey Plow & Zamboni
21-Mike Mayer Plow

Filming by Loaded Gun Productions
Jeremy Deichen
Grayson Ruffo

Don & Ruth and Caroline James (spectators)