Epic Race day at the JR MacRae Invitational. So much fun riding and hanging out with 27 of my closest friends. I still struggle with the loss of JR.....I always will. I want to thank all the Pro racers who made the trek from Canada, USA and Ireland. Also my Local friends...who went thru the loss of JR with me. You all make an effort to be part of remembering my little bro....and take the time to travel to the #looniebinThank You. Also my buddies who don't even ride!! Without them it would be almost impossible for Caroline and myself to get everything to run so smoothly! From carpooling 22 guys from #deepcove to the Looniebin, building and plowing the track, keep all 3 fire places stoked and running, food, etc etc etc.....without everyone helping in one way or another we couldn't pull this off. This "event, race" whatever you want to call it is 100% for John-Ross.....and for some of us who keep our thoughts and emotions buried deep down and locked away. This is the one time of the year that with the right people around me that I can truly be honest about how I still feel....again thanks boys and Caroline for helping me truly honor JR...... #BRAAAP #loveitliveit #racerlife #faster #JR27 #remember #honor#neverforget #missyou #friends #moto #iceracing #bc #canada

Huge #RuthlessCrew shout out to Jeremy Deichen of LGP for making yet another film to Honor JR MacRae. This was shot at all his Years 4th Annual JR MacRae nvitational. #BRAAAP #looniebin #racerlife #faster#loveitliveit #honor #loyalty #remember #JR27 #bluebird Trev Deeley Motorcycles Deeley Motorcycle Exhibition Arai Helmet DragonAlliance Timebomb Trading #bc #canada